Find Gyms with Pools

We've got the full list of gyms in your area that have a pool. Immerse yourself and experience the benefits of a gym with aqua amenities.

Find a location to swim laps, join an aqua-Zumba class, or simply a spot to soak it in.

We have the exact gym locations near you that have a sauna! Full list at the bottom.

What gyms have a pool?

You can expect larger, full-amenity gym chains to have a pool. They are likely more costly options ($40+ monthly) that have a larger square-footage footprint. Many franchise-based gyms aren't large enough, or have the staff support and maintain a pool.
However, we've seen "HVLP" (high-value-low-price) gyms start to include pools as part of their amenity sets as well.

Some locations in these gym chains have a pool.  Click each gym chain for more detail.

We can confirm that these gyms chains do not have pools. None of their locations have this amenity. Click each gym chain for more detail.

Well, why don't they have pools?

Many different reasons. One large one: cost. Pools are big, heavy, and hard to maintain. They take up tons of space—not to mention the need for locker rooms, showers, cleaning crews and their supplies. Adding this amazing benefit would drive up the monthly membership cost, and chains that charge $10 to $30 usually have other types of (smaller, less expensive) amenities instead.

Benefits of gyms with pools

Since only a handful of gym chains offer pools, we see it as a key separator as an offering to their members. They absolutely understand the benefits of pools: 
  • Improve strength - The natural resistance of water makes every stroke a resistance exercise, aiding in toning and strengthening muscles. Many gym chains offer group fitness classes—in the water—to help build your body up!
  • Increase endurance - Consistent swimming sessions lead to improved endurance as the body becomes adept at utilizing oxygen more efficiently. Have you ever seen an aqua Zumba class? You can see dance movements translate into a full blown cardio workout.
  • Calming and relaxing - The gentle lull of water brings a calming effect, reducing stress and promoting mental relaxation. We've see many members take leisurely swims in the early morning hours of a heated pool—pretty serene!

By the numbers: How many gyms have pools?


Total gyms tracked

The total amount of locations we're tracking.


Gyms with pools

How many of those locations are confirmed to have a pool.


Percent of locations with pools

Percentage of total gyms in the country that have a pool.

Our favorite gyms with pools

These four gym chains offer the best experiences for their members, either by quantity of pools in their network, or by simply having amazing facilities.
  • Lots of clubs = lots of options:  If you're in California, there's probably a 24 Hour Fitness nearby. Lucky you: they have 235 gyms with a pool. Plus, they usually offer sauna, steam and hot tubs at these same locations.
  • Family friendly:  Parents: California Family Fitness has got you (and your kids!) covered. Summer months in Sacramento can be scorching hot, and Cal Fit's outdoor Spray Garden is a must see! Your little ones will absolutely love splashing around here.
  • Squeaky clean:  Over the years we've talked to many gym operators and owners, and the common comment about Chuze Fitness? Clean, fresh, updated facilities!
  • Utah & Colorado FTW:  Cold outside? No worries, VASA has you covered. 45 of their locations have a pool, and they're all indoors. That's awesome for their members living in Salt Lake City, Denver and Colorado Springs.
24 Hour Fitness
An amazing 82% of 24 Hour Fitness locations have a pool!

That is a total count of 235 gyms—your best bet on finding one nearby.
California Family Fitness
Nearly all of Cal Fit's locations have a pool—we count a total of 14 of their 18 gyms. Even better: some locations have two, even three pools. Wow!
Chuze Fitness
We count 21 gyms at Chuze Fitness that have a pool, with many in California, Colorado and New Mexico.

What we love: They have a great reputation for clean and updated facilities.
Whoa! 90% of gyms at VASA have a pool—a total of 45 of their locations.

Plus, all of them are indoors, so you can enjoy the water all-year-long.

OK! Let's see the list of gyms with a pool near me!

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