Sunnyvale, California has a total of 5 gyms listed on our fitness directory, making it easy for you to find one that fits your specific needs. On average, the gym size in this city is 38898 square feet, providing ample room for all types of workouts.
For those who enjoy unwinding in a sauna, you'll be pleased to know that 4 of the gym locations within Sunnyvale offer this amenity. Additionally, there are 3 pools and 1 gym that provides childcare services for busy parents on-the-go. If you're a basketball enthusiast, Sunnyvale has 2 courts available for use, while there is 1 steam room for those looking to detox from their workout.
If you're someone who prefers to work out in the wee hours of the night, you'll be interested to know that 1 gym location in Sunnyvale is open 24 hours a day. However, if you're a pickleball fanatic, you might be disappointed to learn that there are currently no gyms within Sunnyvale that offer this sport. Lastly, if you're aiming for a year-round beach body, 1 gym within Sunnyvale has tanning services, as well as 3 hot tubs/whirlpools available for post-workout relaxation.
Sunnyvale, California has a total of 5 gyms listed on our fitness directory, making it easy for you to find one that fits your specific needs. On average, the gym size in this city is 38898 square feet, providing ample room for all types of workouts.
For those who enjoy unwinding in a sauna, you'll be pleased to know that 4 of the gym locations within Sunnyvale offer this amenity. Additionally, there are 3 pools and 1 gym that provides childcare services for busy parents on-the-go. If you're a basketball enthusiast, Sunnyvale has 2 courts available for use, while there is 1 steam room for those looking to detox from their workout.
If you're someone who prefers to work out in the wee hours of the night, you'll be interested to know that 1 gym location in Sunnyvale is open 24 hours a day. However, if you're a pickleball fanatic, you might be disappointed to learn that there are currently no gyms within Sunnyvale that offer this sport. Lastly, if you're aiming for a year-round beach body, 1 gym within Sunnyvale has tanning services, as well as 3 hot tubs/whirlpools available for post-workout relaxation.
Average gym size in Square Feet
Gyms have Childcare
Gyms with a Sauna
Gyms with a Pool
Gyms with a Basketball Hoop
Gyms have a Steam Room
Gyms have a Pickleball Court
Gyms open 24-hours-a-day
Gyms offer Tanning